Mukuru Design Unit is established in 20202 by members who have Architectural background. Later on, more members from Child Protection, Social Studies or Tourism joined and developing the team.

Co-Director: Dr. Saori Imoto

Saori is an associate professor at Department of Architecture, Nihon University. She acquired a doctoral degree at Department of Architecture, University of Tokyo, after studying at Japan Women’s University and University of Tokyo and working at architectural design firms. Since internship at Community Action Development Organisation in 2010, she conducted researches and projects in Kenya.

サミュエル ニャガヤ
サミュエル ニャガヤ
Co-Director: Samuel Nyagaya

Samuel holds a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Nairobi, Kenya. Brought up in the largest slum in Kenya (Kibera), he developed a strong passion for working with residents within informal settlements in developing solutions that better their quality of life. Having been a volunteer with several NGOs based in the informal settlements of Nairobi from as early as the age of 12, and helped in the formation of Undugu Family of Hope, Kibera University and College Students Association, and Slum Architects Association, he has gathered formidable experience in running non-governmental organisations within the slums areas.

ソロモン インディアジ
ソロモン インディアジ
Co-Director: Solomon Chogo Indiazi

Solomon Chogo Indiazi is a Chemist holding a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Industrial and Analytical Chemistry from Pwani and University of Nairobi, respectively. Chogo is passionate about empowering the upcoming generation, especially the less fortunate from disadvantaged homes, through promoting access to quality education and nurturing talents. Solomon is currently working with Happy Promotion Center (HPC), based in Mukuru kwa Njenga in Nairobi, supported by the Mukuru Design Unit. The project has seen the kids in HPC benefit from desk donations, talent development, and a feeding program.

Advisor: Mina Hashiba

Mina graduated Tokyo Women’s Christian University. She arrived in Kenya in 2000 when she started internship at Communicty Action Development Organization (CanDo). After obtaining a master’s degree from University of Bath in the UK, she was dispatched to Tanzania as a Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers and from 2006 to 2009, she worked at CanDo again. From 2010 to 2013, she served as a long-termn expert for the JICA Capacity Building of Child Care and Protection Officers Project in Kenya, and encountered the challenges of children in vulnerable positions in Kenya. In 2014, she founded Mirai Future Kenya as a NPO and registerd as an NGO in Kenya in 2018 to carry out activities to protect children in local communities in Kenya and support the rehabilitation and social re-integration of juvenile delinquents.

  • Tadaki Takahashi (Logo Design)
  • Takyuki Ichikawa (Translation and Edition)
  • Yasushi Noguchi (Media Arts)
  • Wakana SHiino (Anthlopology)
  • Dick Olango(Architecture)
  • Dr. Edwin Oyaro(Architecture)
  • Slum Architects Association (Architecture)
  • UN-Habitat(Urban Planning)
  • University of Nairobi(Architecture)
  • Architecture Planning Lab., Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo
  • Imoto Lab., Department of Architecture, College of Science and Technology, Nihon University
  • Imoto Lab., Faculty of Architecture and Design, Japan Women’s University